Turning Pain into Purpose: My Journey with Arachnoiditis
I never imagined being here. Like you, I was desperate for answers, searching for ways to survive Adhesive Arachnoiditis and its relentless assault on my nervous system. After seven years of battling debilitating chronic neuropathic pain, I had cobbled together my own peculiar methods of pain management. But even these weren't enough. It took a friend, watching me struggle in silence, to push me toward finding others like us.


The first support group I found required strict admission criteria. One question asked about my experience with the disease. I answered in a single, raw sentence - and in that moment, something shifted. The person reading would understand exactly what those words meant without explanation. No need to justify, to convince, to prove my pain was real. For the first time in this endless battle, I felt seen. Understood. It changed everything.

What I discovered wasn't what I expected. Instead of treatment options or miracle cures, I found an ocean of souls twisted by the same unrelenting pain that haunted me. When I shared my unconventional coping strategies - the weird, the desperate, the things that somehow worked - I was flooded with questions. Through these interactions, a harsh truth emerged: despite my low pain tolerance, I had stumbled upon ways to navigate this darkness that others hadn't found.
The stories I read were almost unbearable - fellow warriors trapped in levels of anguish that made even reading their words difficult. Their pain echoed my own, yet many were suffering even more deeply. This realization became my calling.
I began to dissect my journey - every desperate experiment, every small victory, every technique that brought even moments of relief. There is no cure for what we face, so I had a choice: surrender to the pain or forge a different path. I chose defiance.
This wasn't easy. Between an demanding technical career and the constant drain of managing Arachnoiditis, I barely had energy to breathe some days. My plans to help others sat dormant for months until I found support, and even then, it took three more months to build this foundation.

Here's what I want you to know: there is power in this pain. Despite the daily battle I wage with this condition, I've reclaimed some agency over this affliction. In a world that offers no answers for us, we must become our own solution.
I'm not here to sell you miracle cures or false hope. I'm here because I understand the depth of your struggle. Because I know what it's like to have your world shrink to the size of your pain. Because I've found ways to push back against the darkness, and I believe you can too.
We may be wounded, but we are not defeated. And you don't have to face this alone anymore.